Supraspinatus Tendon Tears and When Surgery May Be Required: A Patient Guide

Supraspinatus tendon tears are one of the most common causes of shoulder pain. The supraspinatus tendon, which forms part of the rotator cuff muscles, can cause a huge amount of discomfort if injured. When patients with this condition visit Sydney Shoulder Unit, they often report pain over the side of the shoulder, weakness of shoulder function, difficulty undertaking tasks overhead, and trouble sleeping on the affected side

This guide aims to provide you with a clear understanding of what supraspinatus tears are, including their causes, diagnosis, treatment options, and the possibility of surgery. Whether you’re considering surgery, exploring non-surgical treatments, or simply seeking information about supraspinatus tears, this comprehensive guide will help you navigate your options to achieve the best outcome for your condition

Understanding the Supraspinatus Tendon

The supraspinatus tendon is one of the four tendons that make up the rotator cuff, connecting the supraspinatus muscle to the humerus bone. It runs along the top of the shoulder blade (scapula) and inserts onto the greater tuberosity of the humerus bone. Gently feeling the top of your shoulder while raising your arm can help locate the supraspinatus tendon.

What Causes Supraspinatus Tears?

Supraspinatus tendon tears can be caused by a variety of reasons which can be broken down into three distinct categories.

How is a Supraspinatus Tear Diagnosed?

A shoulder surgeon, like Dr. Sushil Pant in Sydney, will evaluate your shoulder through physical examination and diagnostic tests, such as MRI scans. This helps determine the extent of the tear, and other details such as whether it occur on the articular (joint) side or bursal (outer) side of the tendon.

Supraspinatus tears can contribute to or coincide with other shoulder issues, such as rotator cuff tendonitis and related symptoms. Proper diagnosis and treatment are essential for addressing these concerns, and helping you determine what the best course of action is.

How are Supraspinatus Tears Treated?

Treatment for a supraspinatus tendon tear will often be determined by the severity of the tear and how it is impacting your day-to-day activities.

Partial thickness tears, where only a portion of the tendon is torn, can often be addressed with conservative and non-surgical treatments such as rest, ice, physical therapy, and medications may be sufficient.

In the case of full thickness tears, which extend all the way through the tendon, surgical intervention is often required for proper healing.

What is Surgery of a Supraspinatus Tear Recovery Time Like?

Recovery time after surgery varies depending on factors like the extent of the tear and the individual’s overall health. Physical therapy plays a crucial role in regaining strength and mobility, typically taking several months.

Are You a Candidate for Surgery or Other Treatment for Supraspinatus Tears?

Your suitability for surgery or other treatments depends on factors like tear severity, overall health, and personal preferences. Consulting a shoulder specialist like Dr. Sushil Pant can help you make informed decisions tailored to your unique situation.

Seeking Expert Guidance from Dr. Sushil Pant in Sydney

Seeking expert care ensures the best outcomes for your shoulder health. Dr. Sushil Pant, a specialist in shoulder issues, can provide tailored advice and treatment options based on your individual case.

In Conclusion

Understanding supraspinatus tendon tears, their causes, types, and treatment options is essential for making informed decisions about your shoulder health. Whether you’re exploring non-surgical treatments, considering surgery, or simply seeking information, this guide provides you with valuable insights to navigate the journey toward recovery. Consult a specialist like Dr. Sushil Pant in Sydney to receive personalised care and recommendations for your unique situation.

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