Broken Collarbone – Scooter accident

This 25 year old University Student came off his scooter and fell onto his left shoulder. He presented to the hospital with left shoulder pain and deformity. Plain x-rays demonstrated a comminuted (many parts) and displaced 4 part fractured left clavicle (collarbone). The options were discussed and he opted for surgery.

He underwent an ORIF (Open Reduction and Internal Fixation). We achieved anatomical reduction and stable fixation. Each of the fragments of bone were carefully mobilised and repaired back to the anatomical (normal) position. Immediately after surgery, his collarbone felt stable and he was pain free and comfortable. This is a common story from patients after the “unstable” collarbone is stabilised with surgery. He commenced JPL rehabilitation at 2 weeks and by 6 weeks had full symmetrical range of motion. By 12 weeks he had healed his broken collarbone (both on examination and imaging) and was back to all activities, including his beloved scooter.

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